Hi future colleague

Maintec wants to have a conversation with you

Maintec is the best place for technicians and construction specialists to find a challenging job in The Netherlands.

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Why choose Maintec?

  • An excellent salary

  • Your ambition is central

  • Great standard of living in The Netherlands

  • Work life balance

  • Great working conditions in the Netherlands

Newest available jobs

Look at our technical vacancies



Installation Technology


550 - 600

CNC Miller Heidenhain




550 - 600

Sprinkler fitter


Installation Technology

Basic level

580 - 630

Challenge your limits, because sky is the limit

Everything we do at Maintec is about connecting technical professionals with different Dutch companies. How? We look beyond our own national borders and stay always connected with talented people. By creating meaningful relations, we help clients and you as technical professional.

Working together with us, you’ll be part of a diverse global culture that puts people first; our own and our clients. We believe that we’re at our best when you’re at yours. And everybody who’s part of Maintec should be supported to develop their fullest potential. Because we make Maintec orange!